
October is the last month of the tropical season in Cuba, but the resorts still have hot and rainy weather. The air temperature in Havana and Waradero reaches +28°C during the day... +30 °C, and in the Caribbean Sea resorts, it is still hotter in light hours: +32 °C. In October, those who are interested in the predominant beach season in Cuba are resting here, and the tournament trips should still be postponed until winter starts when the heat and humidity fall a little bit.
In the fall months, tourists are advised to keep skin from the bright afternoon sun and, if possible, to come to the beach until 11 a.m. or after lunch. Special attention should also be paid to the choice of hotels: in modest hotels, the cost of rest in Cuba is small, but there is no guarantee that the air conditioner will operate in the selected number, and there will be no problem with wires after another rainy.
In October, Cuba 's fishing season is in the middle of nowhere: local fishers and tourists join the sea to hunt the blue Marlin, which was celebrated in their book by Ernest Hemingway. Before we start fishing, diving, Windserfing and other water sports, it will not be necessary to verify weather forecasts. In October, Cuba may suffer death, and less hurricanes. Most often, they wear the Caribbean island resort of Kayo-Largo.
Although Cuba ' s low season ends in October, some hotels, restaurants and other facilities may still be closed, especially in small resorts. However, despite the fact that classic tourist attractions aren't much here, it's quite compensating the surrounding exotic and fabulous nature.
Havana weather in October
The air temperature in Havana in October reads a slight decline: +28°C is recorded in the day and +22°C in the evening. Water in the Atlantic Ocean is also slightly lagging to +28°C, but this is hardly felt. A total of 6 rainy days are observed in the capital, with 90 mm rainfall. In mid-October, the guided business in the capital is starting to live a little bit, as summer heat and perfume are less and weather allows for long walks across the streets of the city.