
Grand Memories Varadero
87,185 Exit from Moscow
10 nights, two tour.
(percentage for 1 adult)
On line 1
The hotel consists of a single main building and additional three-story buildings in the middle of a large park. Part of the hotel is placed under the wing of ADULTS ONLY (Sanctuary) of Class DELUXE, intended exclusively for persons over 18 years of age. This part of the hotel, which is very close to the beach, consists of several buildings with 150 numbers. The wings of ADULTS ONLY class DELUXE reside in the luxury numbers of semilux (Junior Suite) and hatch (Suite), as well as in the exclusive suite (Master Suite). Additional services are provided in this hotel room: a separate reception and accommodation service, an Internet access room, a private pool with hydromassage and terrace for solar baths, a private beach area, an exclusive restaurant Ave del Paraiso, with an orderly menu and a cigar bar Flor del Tabaco,