Cube Temperature

Monthly water temperature
JANU | FEB | IDA | ADP | MAY | JUN | July | AVG | SEN | CP | NOVA | DEC |
♪ The weather map is fully interactive. You can switch months as well as change the scale and move the visible area of the map to see other resorts.
♪ The map shows the average monthly daily air temperature or water temperature at sea.
The weather in August in Cuba is the hottest year. And while the thermometer column in the shadows is going to fluctuate somewhere without going up to the 30-degree mark, it can be really hot and warm. The light of the August heat is being transported off the coast, thanks to the permanent sea breeze, it is therefore recommended that Cuba be visited for the purpose of beach rest in August and that the examination of the sights be postponed to winter months.
August refers to the rainy season, and there is a lot of them. Most of the start of the rainfall comes to the afternoon. When the rain comes, it's getting a little colder, so it doesn't upset anyone. Water in the ocean at this time is warmest and can be bathed for days. Unlike the Red Sea, ocean waters practice night diving, which attracts a lot of amateurs to dive with a scavalan.
Havana will be happy with the hot rest days when the temperature of the shadow air is not lower than the +31...+32 degrees and truly warm nights. Night +22...+24 won't require any extra clothes from you even for a long walk. The water is already warmed up to +29 and the maximum year for the northern coast of the country. The rainy season rainfall falls so much, 100 mm. It'll wait for ten days. Air moisture is already high - 76 per cent.
It's great to rest in August in Waradero. It's cooler than in Havana, because the ocean surrounds the city on a long narrow coin. Air temperature rises to +31...+32 degrees. It's nice to have a cold night after the day heat, +22...+23 degrees. Water temperatures in the ocean are beginning to decline gradually, but bathing and dive is still very warm - +27. 100 mm rainfall does not frighten anyone. As rains begin, most often in the afternoon, they can be combined with lunch and afternoon sievo.