Cuba In December

Cup weather in December
Куба в декабре 2010г

Monthly water temperature


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♪ The map shows the average monthly daily air temperature or water temperature at sea.

Cuba weather in December It's so good to get out of here at the end of your vacation, you'll be very sorry. You bet! The hurricane-threatening season ended, the rainy season ended, and the island of Liberty came to gratify heat and bright suns without stunning tropical rainfall.

Decabrian temperatures are traditionally high. The air will be warmed up to +26...+28 degrees Celsius, and cold at night, as it's left to +17...+18. In addition to a light sea breeze, it will require some warming of the wardrobe for evening walks. But still, the clothes are warmer than the light sweater or the wind, you won't need to. The ocean temperature is only slightly lower than in summer months and is about +25 degrees. Agree that's enough for a long and comfortable swimming. Rain is unlikely in December, meteorologists have traditionally observed no more than 3-4 rainy days at the beginning of winter.

Havana was the first month of winter filled with thoughts and actions in preparation for Christmas and New Year. Although the weather is not winter in December. The average daily air temperature reaches +26...+27 degrees in the shadows, falls to +17...+18 at night. The water in the ocean, compared to the summer, was cold to +24, but still the bathers. During the month, only 58 mm rainfall is the dryest season from the winter season. Air humidity has already declined significantly since the rainy season, reaching 74 per cent, more dry than winter, only spring and April.

The city of the infinite sea, Varadero, as if he copied weather conditions to the capital. It's also a warm day, about +26...+27, a little warmer at night, +18...+19 degrees, with a greater influence on the ocean and warm currents approaching the shore itself. Although the water temperature is also lower than in the summer - +24. With December rains, there is 57 mm moisture, less Varadero precipitation only in March.

Santiago de Cuba has a warmer weather in December than the rest of the Liberty Islands. Day here is +28...+29 degrees and nights around +21. The water is also cold in Cuba ' s yards - +24 degrees. 80 mm rainfall in Santiago de Cuba as a reminder of the rainy season. The winter season is getting worse.

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