Cube Nationality

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Cuba attracts foreigners in the tropical climate, free education and one of the world ' s best health systems. But it is extremely difficult to acquire Cuba ' s nationality and is possible only in very few cases.
Reasons for admission to Cuban citizenship
A clear list of criteria that would justify the admission of foreigners to Cuban citizenship is not provided in the legislation of that country.There are certain indications of nationality by birth and by blood law:
- A child born in Cuba, regardless of the nationality of its parents, is recognized as a citizen of the peninsula by birth.
- A child, born abroad, acquires Cuban citizenship if at least one of his parents has such status.
It is not possible to acquire Cuban citizenship by naturalization, which is now permitted in many States.
It is also not possible to obtain this status because of the ownership of property in Cuba: the law is in force, according to which land, buildings and any real property are public property.
Through marriage
Immigration to Cuba through marriage to a national/national of that State is hardly the only way to formally settle in that country. However, it is not so simple: after marriage, a foreign spouse can only rely on a temporary residence permit, which can be extended indefinitely.
Applications for Cuban citizenship on the basis of marriage can be made after the five-year period of cohabitation.
Other ways
Cuban citizenship is given good chances by the holders of the professions required in the country: cooks, teachers, drivers, translators, etc. Such professionals may migrate to Cuba in two ways:
- I want to come to the country and find a job. There should be no problem with employment, and it would be difficult to find high-paying jobs.
- In Russia, to apply to Cuba ' s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, confirming its qualifications, after which you will be entered into the current database of the country ' s offices. If any Cuban employer is interested in your candidacy, you will be able to immigrate to Cuba very soon. But again, for starters, you will be granted a residence permit on the basis of an invitation to work.

Freedom islands do not recognize dual citizenship. Foreign citizens, before applying for Cuban citizenship, are therefore obliged to officially renounce their nationality.