
Rest at sea
AllIf you want to admire yourself and your dear people, then choose tour Cuba. It's almost a year around the sun, and tourists from all over the world come to rest on local beaches. The local population will meet you with open arms because tourism is one of their main sources of income. You'll be given every opportunity to rest in Cuba to go to glory and remember you as one of the best in your life. Choose tours on Cuba and enjoy excellent rest, this wonderful country has all the conditions. The rest of Cuba is equally good for people of all ages, and everyone will be welcome to this solar country.
If you choose tour Cuba, the natural diversity of local flora and fauna will be pleasant upon arrival. Cuba has about 8,000 different plants. One of the undeniable leaders is the royal palm, the image of which can be seen in the country. Traditionally, the national Cuban tree is Yagram and the flower is the Maripos. In the case of fauna, there is one interesting feature: Cuba has no poisonous and dangerous animals. Exotics include polymites with bright colours, as well as the smallest bird on the planet of Sunsuncito. By the way, rest in Cuba will allow you to enjoy the pineapple, which in the woods there are many. In particular, on the islands of Kayo Koko and Kayo Gilermo, you will meet the pink flamingo and find up to 900 species of different fish at sea.
Cuba is an archipelago near the Caribbean Sea and comprises about 1,600 islands of varying sizes. Cuba itself is considered one of the largest. If you have decided to order tours to Cuba, you must visit the capital of this country, Havana, who is known to the world by his cigars, as well as the festivals and carnivals. By choosing rest in Cuba, you will certainly receive a lot of positive emotions, the joyful and hospitality of the people of that country will never allow you to miss.