Burning Tours

Hot tours on Cuba: compare prices, find a tour operator and pick up a burning road to Cuba.
What attracts Russian tourists to Cuba? It's easier to list the reasons why she doesn't attract our compatriots if we can find them! Stereotypically, Cuba is the centre of the beach and night life, and once upon the Liberty Island, it dreams of most active youth. However, not everyone knows that Cuba is the world ' s largest diving centre with extensive and very beautiful coral reefs, as well as a large number of diving, surfing and sailing schools.
Despite geographical remoteness, Cuba is considered to be one of the world ' s best places for family recreation: it is the child ' s entertainment infrastructure that is built and operated best, and in most hotels, children under 12 years of age are not paid at all. Low prices and high levels of safety, palmo coconut exotic, coupled with a soft nostalgia on the Soviet past (which we have 20 years as a mine, Cubans have a real life, and this is manifested in a lot of small things, from advertising signs to hotel interiors), the openness and friendship of Cubans to the new revolutionaries, especially the Russians,
Despite geographical remoteness, Cuba is considered to be one of the world ' s best places for family recreation: it is the infrastructure of child entertainment that is built and operated best.
Unless there's financial possibilities. The main reason for Russian tourists to refuse to travel to Cuba is the high prices of road transatlantic flights. Thus, the burning tour of Cuba is hardly the only opportunity for the Russian average tourist to see the island of Liberty with his own eyes, and no Russian citizens need a visa to stay in the country for less than 30 days.
But even burning tours on Cuba are making vacations just accessible, but not budgeted. A 7-night tour with a flight, a transfer and residence in a 3-star hotel in a standard two-size room would cost 40,000 per person. Four stars will have to pay 5,000 more for 5 stars, 7-10. While almost all hotels offer all inclusive at this price if not resting with the whole family with children for free accommodation, and twice, no low prices outside the hotel will save.